Barite (BaSO4)

Barite (BaSO4)

Pattarakan Corporation Co., Ltd. is manufacturer and distributor of Barite or Barium Sulphate (BaSO4) both in lump and powder for oil & gas drilling industry (DRILLING GRADE) and for rubber industry, brake pads, paint, as well as all other

Oil & Gas drilling

Barite has been used not only to help stabilizing pressure within the borehole but also to increase weight of the drilling mud which carrying the small pieces of rocks while filling gap of the boring wall that help proventing wall to collapse

Rubber industry

It is used as an additive in industrial rubber products to increase weight. Increasing the intensity of the rubber material which can incease to acidity and alkalinity.

Industrial paints

It is used as an additive and filler of pigments. It is also used to adjust film thickness and durability of the paints.


Use as contrast media for Upper and Lower abdonimal X-ray. 

Main business

Barite (BaSO4)

     Pattarakan Corporation Co., Ltd. is well known manufacturer and distributor of Barite or Barium Sulphate (BaSO4) both in lump and powder for oil & gas drilling industry (DRILLING GRADE) and for rubber industry, brake pads, paint, as well as all other related industries (CHEMICAL GRADE).

    We possess Barite mining lease in the Laos People's Republic with integrated business units from mining, processing , and grinding mills which enable us to produce quality products that meet requirements of our customers in both domestic and foreign countries.

Main business

Barites’ Usage and Applications

     Our barites have been mainly used in Drilling Mud for oil & gas drilling. In this application barite has to be ground to fine powder then mix with other minerals, chemicals and other to produce Drilling Mud. This mud then will be transported through a high pressure pump into the borehole. Barites’ specific gravity will not only help reducing the pressure within the borehole but also increasing weight of the drilling mud which increase the stability of the boring pressure. Drilling mud help filling gap of the boring wall that help proventing wall to collapse over drilling rod. Additionally the mud assist in carrying the small pieces of rocks cracked by the drill head up to the mouth of the hole as well.

    Certain quantities of our barite are chemical grades which rather white in color with some degree of transparency. They often used as a filler in the paint industries. Since barium have the ability to absorb X-rays they are widely used in Barium X-Rays known as upper and lower GI series.

Main business

Barites’ Usage and Applications

     Our industrial grades are typically used in rubber industries as well as in brake pads and clutches for automobile industries. There are in fact several usage of industrial grades in variety of applications. For example, they are mixed with cement to increase packaging’s weight and storage of radioactive substances...etc.

     Pattarakan Corporation Co.,Ltd can produce barite to meets both quality and quantity demanded by wide range of customers. We always are ready to supply our high quality barite or barium sulfate (BaSO4) worldwide.

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